1. Chairpersons of the Czech IGCP National Committee

Chairman: Jan PASAVA, Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 131, 118 00  Praha 1, Czech Rep., Phone (420) 251 817 390, Fax (420) 251 818 748, E-mail  

Secretary: Jindrich HLADIL, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences CR, Rozvojova 135, 165 02 Praha 6 – Suchdol, Czech Rep., Phone (420) 233 087 238, Fax (420) 220 922 670, E-mail

Date of submission of Report: December 27th, 2002


2. Members of the Czech IGCP National Committee:



3. Number and title of projects in which the Czech Republic has participated:


A/ Projects with project leaders from the Czech Republic:


Project #428 - Climate and Boreholes

Project Leaders: V. Cermak, H.N. Pollack and C. Clauser

Czech Representatives: V. Cermak (E-mail ) and J. Safanda

Activities in 2002:

The year of 2002 was the last year of the Project and representatives of the Czech WG took an active part in the following IGCP 428 activities:  (A) IGCP428 sponsored a two-days session of the international conference The Earth‘s Thermal Field and Related Research Methods .. Moscow, June 17-20, 2002 organized by the Moscow State Geological Prospecting University and by the Scientific Council on Geothermal Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  70 Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian participants together with 30 colleagues from abroad attended the conference (Albania, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Romania and United States).  (B) Bilateral meeting of Hungarian and Czech colleagues took part in November 3-9, 2002 in Prague to discuss the preparation of the joint publication and the final monograph.  (C1) Other meetings/activities addressing „borehole and climate“ but not directly sponsored from the IGCP428 funds included participation in two symposia of the XXVII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, April 21-26, 2002, i.e. SE3.04 „At the boundary between lithosphere and biosphere – geophysical images of the shallow earth“ and OA23.02 „Climate variability: The northern oscillation: NAO and AO“.  (C2) Results of borehole data inversion and their interpretation in terms of paleoclimate studies were presented and discussed also on the Canadian Geophysical Union Meeting at Banff, May 2002 and on the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, December 2002.  (C3) The third joint Japan-Czech-Russian field expedition to measure borehole temperatures in Kamchatka for climate reconstruction together with tree-ring studies took part in August 2002. Preliminary discussion of the results is planned for November 28-30, 2002 at Matsuyama, Japan. The leadership of the project applied for one-year formal project extension without funding to be able to prepare the final monograph volume.

List of publications: Bodri, L. and Cermak, V., High frequency variability trends in recent climate (Abstract) XXVII EGS General Assembly, Nice, 21-26.April 2002. / Cermak, V. and Safanda, J., 2002. Above and below the Earth’s surface: shallow depth temperature monitoring and recent climate warming (Abstract). XXVII EGS General Assembly, Nice, 21-26.April 2002. / Cermak V., Safanda J., Kresl M., Bodri L., 2002. Monitoring temperature at shallow Earth – source of information on global warming rate. In: Popov, Yu. and Pimenov, V. (Editors), The Earth Thermal Field and Related Research Methods, Moscow, pp.34-37. / Correia A., Safanda J., 2002. Geothermal climate change and coupling of the air and soil temperatures at a single site in Portugal. In: Popov, Yu. and Pimenov, V. (Editors), The Earth Thermal Field and Related Research Methods, Moscow, pp.37-40. / Majorowicz, J.A., Safanda, J. and Skinner, W., 2002, East to west retardation in the onset of recent warming across Canada inferred from inversions of temperature logs, J. Gephys. Res. Solid Earth, vol. 107, No.B10 / Majorowicz J., Safanda J., 2002. Northern versus Southern Canadian Warming from inversions of temperature logs. In: Popov, Yu. and Pimenov, V. (Editors), The Earth Thermal Field and Related Research Methods, Moscow, pp.175-176.


Project #429 - Organics in Major Environmental Issues

Project Leaders: J. Pasava and J. Jenik

Czech Representative: B. Kribek (E-mail )

Activities in 2002:

The year of 2002 was the last year of the Project. Czech representatives actively participated in two major international events. (1) The 2002 Final International Meeting entitled "Environmental impacts of the exploitation of mineral deposits and energy resources", took place in Windhoek, Namibia between July 22-26, 2002 within the Geocongress/IAGOD Meeting. Ten scientific talks (each 15 min. plus 5 min. discussion) and four posters were presented by scientists from 10 countries at a very well attended (60-80 people) half a day session – final IGCP 429 meeting.  The final results on the weathering of organic matter were presented by B. Kribek - the WG 3 coordinator at the Final IGCP 429 meeting in Windhoek, Namibia. Weathering of fossil organic matter was studied by Czech scientists in spoil tips and banks, up to 120 years old, in the Sokolov Basin (Tertiary), Pilsen Basin (Carboniferous) and Prague Basin (Devonian). The results of the study showed that the rate of weathering of fossil organic matter depends on the organic matter type and degree of thermal maturity. In low degree of maturation, weathering of organic matter yields a great amount of humic substances. No humic substances are produced by weathering of organic matter in high maturity degree. The formation of humic substances increases the adsorption capacity of anthropogenic soils. In contrast to soil humic acids, humic acids formed in a course of weathering are low of nitrogen. The gradual increase in their nitrogen contents during weathering is probably due to the interaction of weathering products of fossil organic matter with nitrogen-rich products of microbial activity. A part of weathered fossil algal-type organic matter in a low maturation degree may be directly metabolized by soil biota. In contrast, no microbial activity was detected in fossil organic matter of aromatic type even in low maturation degree. These results are very useful for remediation strategy of dumpsite after coal mining worldwide.  In the field of AMD, Czech scientists examined freshwater sediments from a pond receiving waters from an open-pit lignite quarry located in Europe´s Black Triangle in the northern part of the Czech Republic. They confirmed that only black anoxic material and brown clayey material from the original bottom of the pond represent environmental concerns upon aeration (increase of pH, leaching of especially Zn and Mn). Subsequent studies carried out by these scientists investigated the effects of NaOH addition to aerated mine lake sediment on the production of sulfate. They also evaluated processes of spontaneous chemical oxidation and microbially mediated oxidation of sulfurous compounds. They concluded that NaOH amendment controls the rate of both chemical (enhancement) and biological (suppression) processes and that NaOH amendment under practical conditions cannot be applied to reduce the total amount of produced sulfate from aerated sediment.  Important  progress in the study of sulfidic - environmentally hazardous black shales was achieved by Czech and Chinese scientists. The Zunyi region in Guizhou province (southwest China) is well known by the occurrences of Mo-Ni-polyelement black shales that are in many places mined and processed for Mo. The preliminary results showed that studied soil samples from selected three Ni-Mo prospects are characterized by increased Mo, Ni, As, Cd, Zn and Cu concentrations and lower Pb values when compared to the worldwide averages for normal soil (Bowen 1979). Maximum Mo concentration was found in rice stalk and maximum As and V concentrations in the bulb of edible water plant close to the Xiao-Zhu Mo-Ni mine. Peak Ni, Zn and Hg concentrations were detected in corn grain of the Jiepo-Ling area. Cd accumulates preferentially into tobacco leaves where it reaches maximum values. Rice grain from the Xiao-Zhu area contains anomalous concentrations of Cd and rice grain from the Tuan Shan Bao area contains anomalous concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn. Corn grain from the Jiepo-Ling area bears anomalous concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, Mo and Ni. It was concluded that detected hazardous concentrations have a great potential to cause serious harm to human living in these regions. Similar type of study was completed by Chinese scientists on Cambrian sulfidic black shales in the Ankang area, Shaanxi Province (China).  (2) Another very important aspect of the IGCP 429 activities - a "training component", was an active involvement in the preparation and technical program of a training course for people from developing countries. IGCP 429 was together with the Czech Geological Survey in Prague, Government of the Czech Republic (through the Czech Technical Assistance Program to Developing Countries), Czech Commission for UNESCO and the Division of Earth Sciences (UNESCO/Paris) one of the organizers and scientific guarantees of the GEOCHIM 2002 Postgraduate Certificated Training Course. The course was held in Prague and Dolni Rozinka (Czech Republic) from September 2 through September 16, 2002 and 14 geoscientists representing 10 countries were trained both theoretically and practically in the geochemical exploration methods and their environmental applications. Soil geochemistry, biogeochemistry and hydrogeochemistry including their environmental applications as well as up to date results on the role of organic matter in major environmental issues were lectured by J. Pasava, M. Duris, B. Kribek, M. Novak and J. Vesely (IGCP 429 members from the Czech Geological Survey).

List of publications: Fajtl, J.; Kabrna, M.; Tichy, R.; Ledvina, R. 2001. Environmental risks associated with aeriation of a freshwater sediment exposed to mine drainage water. Environmental Geochemistry, 41, pp. 563-570. / Fajtl, J.; Tichy, R.; Wendt-Potthoff, K.; Friese, K.; Koschorreck, M.; Herzsprung, P.; Fortin, D.; Ledvina R. 2002. Do NaOH amendments control the chemical and biological production of  sulphate in aerated mine lake sediments? Environmental Geochemistry, 41, pp. 906-915. / Kribek, B. 2002. Weathering of fossil organic matter in spoil banks and tips of mines and quarries in the Czech Republic: Remediation aspects. ). Extended abstract, Geocongress 2002 Meeting, July 22-26, Windhoek, Namibia. / Orberger, B.; Pasava, J.; Gallien, J.P. 2002. Se, As, Mo, Pt, Au, Cd traces in framboidal pyrite, Ni-Fe and Zn- sulfides from Ni-Zn-Mo-PGE rich sulfide layers (NICK PROPERTY, Yukon, Canada): preliminary nuclear microprobe results. Extended abstract, Geocongress 2002 Meeting, July 22-26, Windhoek, Namibia. / Pasava, J.; Jenik, J.  2002. IGCP No. 429 – Organics in Major Environmental Issues. Geological Correlation, 30, pp. 75-82. / Pasava, J. 2001. Geochim 2001 - Postgraduate certificated training course in geochemical exploration methods and their environmental applications. Episodes, 24, pp. 280-281. / Pasava, J.; Kribek, B.; Zak, K.; Li, Ch.; Zeng, M. 2002. Distribution of potentially toxic elements in soils and crop plants in areas of black shale hosted deposits (Zunyi region, Guizhou Province, southwest China). Extended abstract, Geocongress 2002 Meeting, July 22-26, Windhoek, Namibia. / Wenmenga, U.; Kribek, B.; Pasava, J.; Sykorova, I. 2002. Organic matter in Paleoproterozoic black shales of the Birimian greenstone belts: Environment of deposition and thermal history. Extended abstract, Geocongress 2002 Meeting, July 22-26, Windhoek, Namibia.


B/ Projects with active working groups in the Czech Republic:


Project  # 408 - Rocks and Minerals at Great Depth and on the Surface

Project Leaders: H.J. Kuempel, F. Mitrofanov and D.M. Gubermann

Czech Representative J. Trckova (E-mail )

Activities in 2002:

The work on the project IGCP-408 "Comparison of the Composition, Structure and Physical properties of Rocks and Minerals in the Kola Superdeep Borehole (KSDB-3) and their Homologues on the Surface" was finished in this year. The experience from this project will be apply for solving of the INTAS Project - 01-0314 "Geodynamics in the cross-selection of the Kola Superdeep". The results of the CZ working group are summarized in the following text. The experimentally determined physical and mechanical properties of rocks samples representing two various units of the Kola Superdeep Borehole KSDB-3, Proterozoic and Archean, and their surface analogues were found. Mutual comparison of the results of the borehole core samples with properties of their homologues, which were not exposed to high stress, was carried out. Detected physical and mechanical properties of studied rocks by rock mechanics methods was also used for comparative studies of results obtained by another methods, especially by dynamic method. The results of complex studies of physical and mechanical properties of core samples from the Kola Superdeep borehole and their analogous from the surface have principal importance for characterizing the processes developed in deep zones of the continental crust. This comparison gave an opportunity to obtain "a factor of depth" for measured rock properties.

List of Publications:  Trckova J., Zivor R., Prikryl R. (2002) Physical and mechanical properties of selected amphibolite core samples from the Kola Superdeep Borehole KSDB-3, Terra Nova,Vol. 14, No.5, 379-387. / Trckova J., Zivor R., Kazansky V.I. Lobanov K.V., Zharikov A.V., Smirnov Y.P. (2002) Comparison of elastic properties of the Kola Superdeep borehole core samples and their surface analogues obtained by static and dynamic measurements. Acta Montana IRSM AS CR, Serie A 21(126), 37-69. / Trckova J., Zivor R., Smirnov Yu.P. (2002) Comparison of physical and mechanical properties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their surface analogues. Apatity - in print.  


Project  # 410 - The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Events

Project Leaders: B. D. Webby, M. L. Droser and  F. Paris

Czech Representative O. Fatka (E-mail )

Activities in 2002:

The project had  a status O.E.T. in 2002 and five Czech representatives took an active part in the preparation of the final project documents.


Project #421 - North Gondwanan Mid-Palaeozoic Biodynamics

Project Leaders: R. Feist and J. A. Talent

Czech Representatives: J. Hladil (E-mail ) and J. Kriz

Activities in 2002:

The project was in extended time in 2002 (basically finished in 2001), and the final corrections of paleobiogeography a faunal databases were produced. The international leaders of the project organized the 1st International Paleontological Congress in Sydney, Australia (IPC2002), which involved many themes and also a special meeting of the IGCP 421. The Czech working group is marginally involved in many paleontological and paleoenvironmental subjects of research (for instance, the conodonts by L. Slavik; corals by J. Hladil; or trilobites by I. Chlupac; but a substantial finalization of research is expected as concerns the bivalves by J. Kriz). The following research contributions were offered by Czech scientists:  (A) Hladil, J. (2002): Intra-annual variability in skeletal growth of the Devonian tabulate coral Scoliopora. IPC2002, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 68 (First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, July 6-10, 2002; G.A. Brock & J.A. Talent, Eds, ISSN 0729 011X, Sydney), 77-78. / [Scoliopora coral skeletons accreted at a low rate 0.4-0.6 mm/yr and are useful for the fine-scale optical density studies. The increments on sectioned Scoliopora skeleton suggest that the early Givetian and early Frasnian intra-annual bandings are different. A typical early Givetian "marine year" in Moravia consisted of five major, regular and approximately equal oscillations (effect of wide ocean oscillations). An ideal early Frasnian "marine year" has three different low-frequency oscillations of fuzzy outline, but with very strong disturbances by high-frequency rhythms. In this view, particularly the Givetian (late Middle Devonian) increments provide an information about close contact with a very large ocean wedge of the Paleotethys. This changes paleogeographic interpretations significantly: This wedge was opened in the W-E direction, because the paleomagnetic data on latitudes derived from the Gondwana and Laurussia are very similar.]  (B) Hladil, J., Pruner, P., Venhodova, D., Hladilova, T., Man, O. (2002): Toward an exact age of Middle Devonian Celechovice corals – past problems in biostratigraphy and present solutions complemented by new magnetosusceptibility measurements. Coral Research Bulletin 7, ISSN 0945-7275, Dresden, Germany, 65-71. / [The biostratigraphic gold spike (GSSP) for the Eifelian-Givetian (mid-Middle Devonian) boundary is in the peri-Gondwanan shelf deposits of Morocco. Presently, this level was projected into distant areas and mainly to shallow-water carbonate facies, using the methods of magtetosusceptibility stratigraphy. The famous Celechovice coral fauna (Statni lom, Celechovice near Prostejov, Moravia, Czech Republic) lies stratigraphically above the magnetosusceptibility projection of the Eifelian-Givetian GSSP, mostly at the boundary of the hemiansatus and early varcus conodont zones. The magnetosusceptibility improvement of the time correlation enables effective assessment of the faunal migration routes in the peri-Gondwana to Laurussia areas.]  (C) Slavik, L. (2002): Identification of the Pragian/Emsian boundary in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). IPC2002, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 68 (First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, July 6-10, 2002; G.A. Brock & J.A. Talent, Eds, ISSN 0729 011X, Sydney), 275-276. / [Further improvements of the Pragian conodont stratigraphy has been developed. For example. the repeated sampling in six Pg-Em sections in Barrandian area revealed that polygnathids are extremely scarce and stratigraphically unreliable component. In contrast to problems with polygnathids, Latericriodus bilatericrescens gracilis Bultynck seems to be a promising alternative for the recognition of this boundary (17 specimens from 5 sections). L. b. gracilis is the oldest in the Latericriodus bilatericrescens group, and conodonts of this species provide better indication of the earliest Emsian in Barrandian than polygnathids. The lowest occurrences of scattered elements belonging to "dehiscens group", haphazardly obtained from the Barrandian sections, roughly correspond to the level of occurrences of the L. b. gracilis.]  Although the project was extremely prosperous and successful (mainly due to great work of international co-leaders J.A. Talent, Sydney, and R. Feist, Montpellier, the effective continuation of the project is problematic. It could be prepared mainly with the Chinese paleontologists (Australian-Chinese relationships on the field of geosciences), because in all other countries the number of professionals seem to be dramatically decreased.

Selected publications: Hladil, J. (2002): Intra-annual variability in skeletal growth of the Devonian tabulate coral Scoliopora. IPC2002, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 68 (First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, July 6-10, 2002; G.A. Brock & J.A. Talent, Eds, ISSN 0729 011X, Sydney), 77-78. / Hladil, J., Pruner, P., Venhodova, D., Hladilova, T., Man, O. (2002): Toward an exact age of Middle Devonian Celechovice corals – past problems in biostratigraphy and present solutions complemented by new magnetosusceptibility measurements. Coral Research Bulletin 7, ISSN 0945-7275, Dresden, Germany, 65-71. / Slavik, L. (2002): Identification of the Pragian/Emsian boundary in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). IPC2002, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 68 (First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, July 6-10, 2002; G.A. Brock & J.A. Talent, Eds, ISSN 0729 011X, Sydney), 275-276.


Project #442 - Raw materials of the Neolithic/Aeneolithic polished stone artefacts: their migration paths in Europe Raw Materials of Neolithic Artefacts

Project Leader: D. Hovorka

Czech Representatives: A. Prichystal (E-mail )

Activities in 2002:

Activities of the Czech WG have successfully continued. Czech participants presented their scientific results at the 5th workshop on Raw materials of the Neolithic/Aeneolithic polished stone artefacts, 2002, that was organized in Slovak and Czech Republic (Bratislava and Brno-Slapanice). Fifteen oral presentations and field trip to SW Moravia belonged to main achievements. A Guidebook was distributed and contributions have been collected for proceeding in a special volume of the journal Geologica Carpathica. Listing the main results in science, it is to mention real Neolithic mines for greeschists which were discovered in southern foothills of the Jizerske hory Mountains. One locality was found by A. Prichystal, other was documented by V. Srein. Czech WG was also actively involved in the compilation of a monograph by Svoboda J. et al. 2002: Paleolithic of  Moravia and Silesia, 303 pages, 2nd revised edition. A special covering publication is in stage of preparation (Hovorka, Prichystal - close cooperation between Czech and Slovak Republics).

Meantime, we can refer to the previous book {"Raw materials of the Neolithic/Aeneolithic polished stone artefacts: their migration paths in Europe. Its structures and goals." The Publication of the IGCP Project 442, Publisher: Moravian Museum in Brno, 2001, 174 pages, 85 figures, 15 tables, 24x17cm / or see under the items of the Journal Krystalinikum, Vol. 26} – confer  


Project # 449 - Global correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits

Project Leader: D. Bridgland

Czech Representative: P. Havlicek (E-mail ) D. Nyvlt

Activities in 2002:

The numer of results by Czech WG rapidly increased, as seen in contributions submitted to seven meetings. These contributions were diversified to different branches of the work, but the Quaternary palynology prevailed (E. Brizova, sub-WG leader): (1) State-of-the-art in geomorphological investigations, Brno, June 14-15, 2002 / Brizova, E.: Late Glacial and Holocene development of vegetation in the Labe River floodplain (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) (poster) (2) 8th Quaternary 2002 Brno, November 22, 2002 / Brizova, E.: Paleoekologicky vyzkum byvalych jihomoravskych jezer” (oral presentation + paper). (3) Biogeomon meeting Reading, U.K., August 17-23, 2002 / Brizova, E.: Palynological and palaeoalgological study of the lakes in the Czech Republic (poster + abstract) IX. (4) Conference on the Stratigraphy of Poland Borne Sulinowo, September 3-9, 2002 / Brizova, E.: Late Glacial and Holocene development of vegetation in the Labe River floodplain (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) (poster) / Brizova, E.: Palynological and palaeoalgological study of the lakes in the Czech Republic (poster + abstract) (5) FLAG/IGCP 449 meeting Clermont-Ferrand, September 9-14, 2002 / Tyracek, J., Havlicek, P., Nyvlt, D.: Terrace system in the Bohemian Massif (poster) (6) 8th Annual EAA Meeting Thessaloniki, September 24-29, 2002 / Brizova, E.: Record of changes of vegetation in sediments of the Morava River in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelske Pomoravi (oral presentation) (7) IGCP 449 meeting Agadir, December 13-18, 2002 / Havlicek, P., Nyvlt, D., Tyracek, J.: The confluence of the March and Thaya – LG and Holocene geological record (poster) & / Tyracek, J., Havlicek, P.: Fluvial deposition in response to neotectonic movements (oral presentation). Proposed activities concerns the finalization of two studies: Brizova, E., Havlicek, P.: Palynology and stratigraphy of organic sediments in both Bohemian Massif and West Carpathians & Nyvlt, D.: Fluvial terrace system in formerly glaciated areas of Northern Bohemia. The group aims to participate at least in two meetings: Participation in the workshop “Quaternary 2003” Masaryk University, Brno & Late Cenozoic fluvial sediments in West Carpathians – II.

List of publications: Brizova, E. (2001): Vyzkum nivy reky Moravy a jeho vyznam pro studium povodni (Research of the Morava River floodplain and its importance for the study of floods). Geoscience Research Reports for 2000, 61-62, Praha. / Brizova, E. (2002): Paleoekologicky a palynologicky vyzkum paleomeandru reky Moravy v Litovelskem Pomoravi (Palaeoecological and palynological research of a paleomeander of the Morava River in the Litovelske Pomoravi). In: Vit, J. et al.: Dynamika povodnovych sedimentu v aluviu Moravy (Dynamics of flood deposits in the alluvial plain of the Morava River). Unpublished research report, CGS, Praha. / Brizova, E., Havlicek, P. (2002): Geologie Prirodniho parku Straznicke Pomoravi (Geology of the Natural park Straznicke Pomoravi). Unpublished research report, CGS, Praha. / Brizova, E., Havlicek, P. (2002): Vyzkum organickych sedimentu Hodoninska (Research of the organic sediments in the vicinity of Hodonin). Geoscience Research Reports for 2001, 119-121, Praha. / Brizova, E., Havlicek, P. (2002): Nekolik poznamek k pylove analyze kvarernich sedimentu z Mikulcic na jizni Morave (Comments on the pollen analysis of the Quaternary sediments at Mikulcice (southern Moravia). Geoscience Research Reports for 2001, 124-126, Praha. / Havlicek, P. (2001): Geologicka stavba velkomoravskeho mocenskeho centra Breclav-Pohansko a jeho okoli (Geology of the surroundings of the Great Moravian political centre Breclav-Pohansko). Geoscience Research Reports for 2000, 71-73, Praha. / Havlicek, P. (2001): Geologicka stavba okoli Mikulcic-Valu (Geology of the environs of Mikulcice-Valy). Geoscience Research Reports for 2000, 73-75, Praha. / Havlicek, P., Macoun, J. (2002): Paleogeograficky a stratigraficky vyvoj Moravy a Slezska v pleistocenu (Palaeogeographical and stratigraphical development of Moravia and Silesia in Pleistocene). In: Svoboda, J. (ed.): Paleolit Moravy a Slezska. 2nd revised edition, The Dolni Vestonice Studies, Volume 8, 22-37, Brno. / Havlicek, P., Novak, Z., Svabenicka, L., Vachek, M. (2002): Geologicke mapovani na listech Straznice a Mlynky (Geological mapping on the sheets Straznice and Mlynky). Geoscience Research Reports for 2001, 33-35, Praha. / Novak, Z., Havlicek, P. (2002): Geologicke mapovani miocennich a kvarternich sedimentu na uzemi listu 34-241 Holic a 34-243 Tvrdonice v roce 2001 (Report on geological mapping of the Miocene and Quaternary sediments on the map sheets 34-241 Holic and 34-243 Tvrdonice in 2001). Geoscience Research Reports for 2001, 57-59, Praha. / Tyracek, J. (2001): Upper Cenozoic fluvial history in the Bohemian Massif. Quaternary International, 79, 37-53. * reported by Dan Nyvlt on behalf of P. Havlicek (-- Yeah, and what about English in your written contributions? It is mostly in Czech – rem. by Jindra Hl. cz igcp web maintenance --)


Project #454 - Medical Geology

Project Leaders: O. Selinus and P. Bobrowsky

Czech Representative:  M. Duris (E-mail )

Activities in 2002:

During 2002 a proposal for an interdisciplinary project involving seven different scientific teams (earth scientists, medical doctors, veterinarian doctors, biologists and other specialists), was completed and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic. The project did not receive requested budget for 2003, thus activities continued only through local in-house budgets. The most important activities were carried out on the territory of the former mining area near Pribram (southern part of Central Bohemia). There exist a large present activities dealing with health of human population and complex geo-environment. These activities cover, for instance, the development of cancer or diseases of children in basic school. The personal capacities in medical and geochemical disciplines are promising, but the coverage of other branches of expertise is not adequate. A governmental support is necessary to secure sufficient man power and technical expertise within this very promising interdisciplinary field. The former leader Dr. M. Duris resigned on his post and a new Czech representative is being sought.


4. IGCP meetings held in the Czech Republic in 2002

Project #429 -  "Organics in Major Environmental Issues" Meeting of  the Czech WG at the occasion of the GEOCHIM 2002 - a postgraduate training course on Geochemical Exploration Methods and their Environmental Applications,      Dolni Rozinka , September 9-10, 2002 / 11 participants.

Project #442 – "Raw materials of the Neolithic/Aeneolithic polished stone artefacts" Joint Meeting of the Czech and Slovak WGs, Bratislava and Brno-Slapanice, with trip to NW Moravia, September 1-6, 2002 / 36 participants.


5. IGCP meetings planned for 2003


Not announced yet.


6. Other relevant information

The Czech IGCP National Committee was one of organizers of the GEOCHIM 2002 - a postgraduate training course on Geochemical Exploration Methods and their Environmental Applications. It is a certificated course and the Committee gratefully appreciates the work of organizers.  

The Czech IGCP National Committee approved two national coordinators of the WGs on new projects:

(#463) Dr. L. Svabenicka from the Czech Geological Survey, Prague as a Czech coordinator of the IGCP Project 463 – "Upper Cretaceous marine red beds", co-leaders C. Wang (China), M. Sarti (Italy), R.W. Scott (United States) & L.F. Jansa (Canada), duration 2002-2006,  and   

(#471) Dr. R. Mikulas from the Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague as a Czech coordinator of the IGCP Project 471 – "Evolution of Western Gondwana during the Late Palaeozoic", co-leaders C.O. Limarino (Argentina) & L.A. Buaotois (Argentina), duration 2002-2006.

In order to promote IGCP activities in the Czech Republic the Committee has also continued in seeking funds for the IGCP National Committee special foundation established in 1996. Generous donation which enabled this year to release 7 grants (in the total amount of 66 000.- CZK) was kindly provided by a major sponsor of the Czech IGCP National Committee: Severoceske doly, a.s. (SD a.s., Chomutov) – North Bohemian Coal Mines, Inc.

A website address of the Czech IGCP National Committee, maintained by Dr. J. Hladil - Secretary of the Czech IGCP National Committee,  is